Frequently Asked Questions

1. We need more room but don’t have the money. What can we do?

The need always comes before the money.  Every church that needed to build has experienced the same situation.  The solution is to develop a plan (capital campaign) to enable the necessary revenue to be raised and existing revenue (if there is any) to be set aside.  Other words, a strategic plan must be developed by first conducting a Needs Analysis of the churches wants and needs. This is the only safe way to ensure that your expansion project is viable and most importantly if you can afford to build.

2. We are not growing. What can we do?

No growth is a symptom that can come from several different origins. The root problem needs identified before it causes irreversible damage.  The problem can also be just a matter of making some adjustments. We would be happy to discuss over the phone your situation. Counsel is free.

3. We have plans to build but we are two years away from doing anything.  Should we wait or is there something else we can do?

Our advice to churches that are two years away or more, is to think about where your ministry will be in two years if you do nothing. One thing that every church needs to do regardless of their size is to raise money. You can’t start to early when it comes to raising funds for your building project. It doesn’t take a lot of money to get the tools to successfully raise funds. If you wait two years to do something it will be four to five years before you will have a building. Time can be your enemy.

4. How do we get started?

Knowledge is power, we can’t overemphasize this. Learn all you can and make sure that the building committee is asking questions and seeking answers. The internet is a wonderful place to learn. The building seminar that Walker Church Consulting Group presents to churches has been a blessing to church leaders throughout the country. There is 45 years of wisdom packed in an hour presentation – and it is free. Take advantage of this and any other meetings that professionals in the industry will offer.

5. Why do 70% of construction project go over budget?

There are many reasons but how you begin will have the greatest impact on your success. Having an understanding of how the delivery systems work will greatly enlighten you on the flaws. The building seminar goes into great detail about this and if a church listens to the advice from the seminar it could save the ministry thousands if not hundreds of thousands of dollars. My advice is to give us call and set a date and time to hear the seminar.